Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Skeletons Rising

So after a great time away in sunny Brighton for the club day where my friend Gaz has written all about it in his blog http://garethhobby.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/hey-folks-hobby-station-has-been-busy.html

I got the bug as always to get the paints out and start painting after using Trollbloods in Hordes all weekend and playing Bolt Action using my USMC, I felt that my GW models needed a bit of loving so I have promised myself to paint a 1000pts Vampire counts army before I go back to work in April, is that realistic I think so, as long as I don't get distracted by other toys (I am looking at you Bolt Action new army of over 1000pts brand new for less than £75.00!!!!!!).

So with just over a week gone I have made a good start and here's the proof:

20 Skeletons done just need to do the shields and banner design for the army when I settle on one.

All movement trays and bases where purchased from www.base-x-of-war.com/ (ghostly graveyard range).  They are good no prep work was needed before I painted them and the quality is good, if you want some scenic bases take a look.

10 Ghouls

Sorry for the bad pictures but as I have said before my equipment is back at work and this is the best I can do at the moment.  Comments are always welcome, what do you think?  All I have to do now is paint the Black Knights, Terrorgiest, Corpse cart and characters and I will be there ready for a gaming weekend on the 15th with the lads that I went to school with.  I believe they will be using Ogres, Warriors of Chaos and Wood Elves.  Hopefully I will remember to take my camera and take photos of the weekend.

Until next time Keep it real and see you at a gaming table soon.

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